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Using Compose Files

Compose simplifies the definition of multiple Consume and Serve requests in a single, comprehensible YAML configuration file. This allows you to setup a more involved local development environment Session, with a single command.

You can start your session with the following command:

czctl compose start

If you do not specify a file compose start looks for a codezero-compose.yaml or codezero-compose.yml. Alternatively, using specific compose files allows you to define several local environments, each designed to work with a different part of the application. For example, you could have the following set of files depending on whether you want to work on the frontend or api service:

czctl compose start -f frontend-compose.yaml
czctl compose start -f api-compose.yaml

The Compose File Format

A Compose file is made up of a Header and optional Consume and Serve sections.


Strings in YAML can be wrapped both in single and double quotes. In some cases, they can also be unquoted. Strings containing any of the following characters must be quoted: : { } [ ] , & * # ? | - < > = ! % @. Although you can use double quotes, for these characters it is more convenient to use single quotes, which avoids having to escape any backslash \

The Compose File header requires a version:

version: 1.0


The file may contain at most one Consume field. The Consume section may include a primaryNamespace field.

The Consume section would typically include an array of rules. The order of rules is important just like the czctl consume edit command.

The following example shows a Consume record:

primaryNamespace: my-namespace
- *.my-namespace
- "!"


The file may contain at most one Serve field. The Serve section is comprised of an array of Serve records.

The Serve record consists of a namespace, service, ports and optionally, a condition field.

Ports specify the local and remote port numbers.

Condition types are explained in detail in Serve Condition Types.

User Condition Type

Like czctl serve ..., the absence of a condition defaults to condition user.

- namespace: my-namespace
service: frontend
- local: 8080
remote: 8080

Default Condition Type

The default condition type takes no additional parameters:

- namespace: my-namespace
service: frontend
- local: 8080
remote: 8080
type: default

Header Condition Type

The header condition type takes two parameters. The key parameter is case insensitive:

- namespace: my-namespace
service: frontend
- local: 8080
remote: 8080
type: header
key: my-header
value: header-value

Complete Example

The following codezero-compose.yaml file will set the primary namespace to my-namespace, consume all services within that namespace except the frontend service and serve a user variant of the frontend service.

version: 1.0
primaryNamespace: my-namespace
- *.my-namespace
- "!"
- namespace: my-namespace
service: frontend
- local: 8080
remote: 8080


Compose uses the text/template library to support template directives enclosed in {{ and }} blocks. Your local environment variables are accessible in the Env template object.


Compose files are designed to be checked into your version control system together with your source code. Use templates to keep sensitive information out of the file.

The following example shows how you can use the USER environment variable as a custom header value.

version: 1.0
primaryNamespace: my-namespace
- *.my-namespace
- "!"
- namespace: my-namespace
service: frontend
- local: 8080
remote: 8080
type: header
key: x-custom-header
value: "user-{{ .Env.USER }}"

In the above example, if the USER environment variable would be set to joe, any traffic to the frontend service where the HTTP header x-custom-header is set to user-joe would be directed to your local machine.

Reset Sessions

To stop all Consume and Serve sessions run the following command:

czctl reset