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Using the CLI

Codezero's tools can be used via the Desktop app or the CLI. If you installed the Desktop app you also have the CLI.

This section is about getting up and running with the CLI.


For Windows you'll need to run czctl as an Administrator as it needs to modify your local network settings. You can do this by starting a Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell with Run as Administrator.

Configure the CLI

Before you get started, you need to log in to your Codezero account.

czctl auth login

Getting Help

The CLI is invoked via the czctl command. To get more information about individual commands, see the associated command under References (e.g. Consume), or run:

czctl help

Initialize the CLI

Start the Codezero daemon (background service) by running:

czctl start

For MacOS and Linux Codezero requires sudo access to modify your local network settings.

Get the current status

To get the current status of codezero that includes the authenicated user, organization and teamspace run.

czctl status

Run commands

The czctl command loosely follows the conventions of the kubectl command, where each command references a Kubernetes resource (like a deployment or service), and where a namespace is given with a -n flag.

Use czctl <command> --help to see the options available for a given command.

Most czctl commands take the form czctl <command> <sub-command>, and czctl <command> <sub-command> --help will display the argument(s) and flag(s) available for that command.

Some examples:

czctl serve list --help
czctl consume edit --help
czctl space select --help