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Release Notes

We have a regular 2 week release cadence. NOTE: Please make sure that you update your Codezero Local Agent and Space Agent to the same version.

2.5.2 [2024-07-23]

  • Added option to run the router pod of Codezero Space Agent with privileged access. By default, the router pod runs with a security context with only the NET_BIND_SERVICE capability. When the router.privilegedAccess option is set to true in the Codezero Helm chart values, the router pods are deployed with an empty security context.
  • We switched to a new auth provider resulting in a new login page.
  • Various bug fixes and security updates.

2.5.1 [2024-07-09]

  • Support use of named targetPort references in K8s service definitions
  • Improved network connectivity between Local and Space Agent

2.5.0 [2024-06-25]

  • New Teamspace installation method to facilitate automated scripting of Teamspace deployments
  • Fix namespace filter in Service Catalog
  • Added security context to Router pods to satisfy Restricted Pod Security policy
  • Bug fixes and security updates

2.4.0 [2024-06-11]

2.3.4 [2024-06-05]

  • New Scoop installation package for Windows: You can now install and update your Local Agent via Scoop.

    scoop bucket add codezero;scoop install codezero
  • ARM64 images for the Space Agent: Codezero now supports Kubernetes clusters running on ARM64 nodes.

  • Bug fixes and stability improvements

2.3.3 [2024-05-28]

  • New Homebrew installation package: You can now install and update your Local Agent via Homebrew.

    To switch to Homebrew on macOS or Linux, run the following commands:

    curl -L | /bin/bash
    brew install c6o/tap/codezero
  • Fixed a bug that caused sticky HTTP connections in serve sessions when using persistent connections.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Windows background service from starting on some machines.

  • New icons for Consume and Serve

2.3.2 [2024-05-22]

  • Bug fixes and security updates

2.3.1 [2024-05-13]

  • Prevent crash-loop when serving a resource in a non-existent namespace
  • Fix CPU thrashing during system startup

2.3.0 [2024-05-08]

  • We have started to version our Helm charts. In order to upgrade your Space Agent from an earlier version to this release, please run the following:

    helm repo add --force-update codezero && helm upgrade --namespace=codezero codezero codezero/codezero --reset-values
  • Bug Fix: czctl auth login now correctly opens a web browser on Linux

  • Experimental Windows support.

  • Various package upgrades and security patches

2.2.0 [2024-04-24]

  • New command: czctl compose start to start consume and serve sessions based on rules in codezero-compose.yml. You can read about this new feature in the Codezero Compose guide.

2.1.1 [2024-04-11]

  • Fixed startup bug in Space Agent

2.1.0 [2024-04-11]

  • New command: czctl reset to remove all consume and serve sessions.
  • Improved startup sequence of Space Agent

2.0.0 [2024-02-16]

Complete rewrite of Codezero for improved stability and reliability.